Now, I released a new version of
D.P.F Delphi iOS Native Components
By this new release you can make PDF files & QR Barcode in your iOS mobile applications
Enjoy it!
(Special thanks to Sebastian Zierer)
v9.2.8 - 2015/01/17
+ New Component: TDPFQRCodeScanner
+ New Component: TDPFViewControllerEvents
+ New Component: TGrandID
+ Added BarCode Demo
+ Added TDPFiOSBaseControl: CreateUIControl, DestroyUIControl, UpdateUIControlPosition
+ Added TDPFUIPrintPageRenderer Component
+ Modified TDPFiOSBaseControl: preparations in order to clean up usage of "Loaded" functions
+ Modified TDPFiOSBaseControl: call UpdateUIControlPosition if position of native control needs to be updated
+ Added TDPFApplicationManager.OnInterfaceRotated
* Changed TDPFApplicationManager: adapted to XE7; allow multiple instances of TDPFApplicationManager
- Fixed TDPFImagePickerController save video to PhotosAlbum
- Fixed TUIToolBar startup position
- Fixed TDPFProgress startup position
- Fixed TDPFSegmentedControl startup position
- Fixed TDPFPickerView startup position
- Fixed TDPFMapView crash on zoom
- Fixed some demo minor bugs
- Fixed TDPFNavigationController Bar Height
- Fixed Fixed Crash UIViewController
- Fixed TDPFNavigationController Margins